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February 05, 2009


Evan McBroom

Dang! I totally am jealous. When I was a college intern I worked at a CBS affiliate in production and spent the summer learning how to cuss more eloquently, smoke and (as it was the summer I turned 21) learned how to spend most nights out until 2am. Your interns get to live in florida, work with your awesome team and dig into ministry. (By the way, only the florida part would have been of interest to me when I was in college). Congrats. What a team. What a summer.


Carl AND Hannah??!! You guys are so blessed to have them for the summer. Looking forward to seeing what you make them do...err, what they get to do. :)

 Mel G. Sales

NICE! I hope the experience can encourage them to have new strategies and keep the goal to serve the Lord. =) Blessings!!

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