Living in South Florida, we have had our share of guests from up north. Moving 1,500 miles from the place we called home has been the hardest part of the church planting process. So it's great we live in a place people like to vacation.
This past week, we hosted my brother, Chip, his wife, Stacy, and my niece, Mackenzie.
That's them posing with our photogenic dog, Jeter. These guys are not only family, but they are huge supporters of The Pursuit Christian Church. This past Sunday, was the first time they were able to come down and check out one of our Celebration Services. They were very impressed with the people.
Chip said, "We're pretty good at sneaking in and out of a church service and most the time we can do so without having to talk to many people." That was not the case for them at The Pursuit. I'm not surprised. We don't have a greeting team as much as we have a church of greeters. Some churches strategically build in a time during the service and "force" people to shake hands and welcome the people around them. We don't.
I heard a church leader once who compared the greeters at his church to Gap employees. They hang out at the front, looking busy. When guests walk in, the greeters offer a head nod along with a, "What's up?" The pastor felt like anything else was overwhelming to guests. That might work for them but that is not us. As a matter of fact, the word that returning guests use when they describe our church is "Family." Don't think I've ever called the guy that sold me a pair of khakis "family" before.
Back to our house guests. Mackenzie is a special young lady with a huge heart for God. The Pursuit is currently serving the community by providing book bags and school supplies to kids who could not otherwise afford them. Mackenzie said, "I want to help." That day she went to Target and bought supplies with her own money. One little girl in South Florida will have some great stuff as she goes back to school because of Mackenzie's servant heart.
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