Vacation went way too fast but Janie and I had a blast in Orlando. There aren't many cities I have visited I could see us living one day but Orlando is definitely one of them (New York, Phoenix, and Denver are the other three).
Friday, we went to Cirque du Soleil and had dinner at at Downtown Disney. Never been to Cirque before. We were floored by the creativity. To be honest I never had much desire to see it but now we want to go see the shows in Vegas too.
Saturday, we hung by the pool in the heat and worked a 1,000 piece puzzle in the a/c. Jigsaws making a come back? Uh, no, but it was kind of nice to do something mindless. That is until we realized our puzzle only had 999 pieces. JETER!!! (It still stresses me out to see the picture of the puzzle in its uncompleted state).
Sunday, I preached again at Journey Christian Church. To steal a line from my wife, we have become Journey's "Fan Club Presidents." I want to say a special "thank you" to Jodi Dinnan and Adrian Traurig for all the work they did to make my job so much easier. You can listen to the podcast here.
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