"...adding to the conversation..." is my take on, well, everything and anything.
Here's a bit about my life.
I Like: Dating my wife, Janie. Walking my dog, Jeter. Feeding my cat, Peezer.
What I Do: I am the Lead Pastor of The Pursuit Christian Church, in Miami, FL which launched January 27, 2008.
Teams of Choice: Yankees, Colts, & Pacers (I'm learning to like the Heat, Fins, & Marlins but they'll never top my big three)
Active Sports: Golf, tennis, basketball, softball & running
Non-active Sports: Madden, Tiger Woods Golf, Fantasy Football & Baseball
Favorite Trilogy: Lord of the Rings, it would be The Godfather but the last installment fell short.
Video Game Console: XBox 360 Elite
XBox Live Gamertag: Naptown Nation
My TiVo faithfully records: Pardon the Interruption, LOST, 24, Heroes, The Office, American Idol, & Friday Night Lights
Starbucks order: Grande Black & White Frappacino w/ whip (a.k.a. "tuxedo" or "zebra")
Bookmarked Websites: XXXChurch, ESPN, Miami Herald, Church Plant Media, Passion4Planting, Lids, Zappos, Amazon, Backpack & Moleskine
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